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100% Exemption on HEVs Cars in Pakistan

Under SRO.499(l)/2013 Federal Goverment of Pakistan has exempted  hybrid cars up to 1200cc into Pakistan .This news has come as breeze to Overseas Pakistanis who have pumped in a lot foreign remittances to Pakistan , which helps the economy of the country on a big scale .


1- Up to 1200 Cc                                                   100% Exemption 

2-from 1201cc to 1800 cc                                       50% Exemption 

3- From 1801cc to 2500 cc                                      25% Expemtion 


  • By hisaghir
  • Wed, 01/13/2016 - 18:40
  • 17
  • Door to Door, Air Cargo, Sea Cargo

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